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Showing entries 41501-41600 out of 54071.
A Lightweight and Versatile NLP Toolkit
Summarize Text by Ranking Sentences and Finding Keywords
Interface to 'TexTra' from R
Extra 'Recipes' for Text Processing
N-Gram Text Regression, aka Concise Comparative Summarization
Detect Text Reuse and Document Similarity
Tools for Reshaping Text
Tools for Stemming and Lemmatizing Text
Text Processing for Small or Big Data Files
Functions for Text Cleansing and Text Analysis
Utilities for Handling Strings and Text
r-tfNix package
S3 Classes and Methods for Tidy Functional Data
Enrichment Approach to Predict Which Transcription Factors are Regulated
Interface to 'TensorFlow SIG Addons'
Transfer Function and ARIMA Models
r-TFARMNix package
Autograph R for 'Tensorflow'
r-tfCoxNix package
Fits Piecewise Polynomial with Data-Adaptive Knots in Cox Model
Interface to 'TensorFlow' Datasets
Deploy 'TensorFlow' Models
r-tferNix package
Forensic Glass Transfer Probabilities
Interface to 'TensorFlow' Estimators
Write Events for 'TensorBoard'
r-TFHAZNix package
r-tfhubNix package
Interface to 'TensorFlow' Hub
r-tfioNix package
Interface to 'TensorFlow IO'
Optimal Thresholding Fisher's P-Value Combination Method
r-TFMNix package
Sparse Online Principal Component for TFM
Efficient and Accurate P-Value Computation for Position Weight Matrices
Create Neural Ordinary Differential Equations with 'tensorflow'
Time Frame User Utilities
Interface to 'TensorFlow Probability'
Time Frame Coding Kernel
Time Frame Coding Kernel Extensions
r-TFRENix package
A Tuning-Free Robust and Efficient Approach to High-Dimensional Regression
r-tfrmtNix package
Applies Display Metadata to Analysis Results Datasets
'shiny' App Companion to the 'tfrmt' Package
Training Run Tools for 'TensorFlow'
r-tfseNix package
Clustering of Functional Data via Mixtures of t-Distributions
r-TFXNix package
Globe and Mail Graphics Theme for 'ggplot2'
r-tgcdNix package
Thermoluminescence Glow Curve Deconvolution
r-tggdNix package
The Standard Distribution Functions for the Truncated Generalised Gamma Distribution
Efficient Implementation of K-Means++ Algorithm
r-tgpNix package
Bayesian Treed Gaussian Process Models
r-tgramNix package
Compute and Plot Tracheidograms
r-TGSNix package
Rapid Reconstruction of Time-Varying Gene Regulatory Networks
r-TGSTNix package
Targeted Gold Standard Testing
Amos Tanay's Group High Performance Statistical Utilities
r-tgverNix package
Turing Geovisualization Engine R package
R Markdown to PDF in Thai Language
Truncated Harmonic Mean Estimator of the Marginal Likelihood
Find Out Who Maintains the Packages you Use
Give your Dependencies Stars on GitHub!
r-theftNix package
Tools for Handling Extraction of Features from Time Series
Analyse and Interpret Time Series Features
Download and Manage Data from Theia
Unified and Automatic 'Theming' of 'ggplot2', 'lattice', and 'base' R Graphics
Extra Recipes Steps for Dealing with Unbalanced Data
Integrate 'OpenAI' Large Language Models into Your 'R' Workflows
Calculate Sample Sizes Required for Critical Thermal Limits Experiments
Thermal Image Analysis
Calculate Thermal Indexes
The Simulation of the Thermistor Network
Temperature Measurement with Thermocouples, RTD and IC Sensors
The Subtype Free Average Causal Effect
R Package for Exploring Turkish Higher Education Statistics
Palettes Inspired by the TV Show "The Witcher"
Genetic Rare Variants Tests
r-thiefNix package
Temporal Hierarchical Forecasting
Tools for Cleaning Up Messy Files
Handy Tools for TJU/TJUH Employees
r-thorNix package
Interface to 'LMDB'
r-thornNix package
'HTMLwidgets' Displaying Some 'WebGL' Shaders
r-THRECNix package
Tree Height Response Calibration for Swedish Forests
Crawler for Navigating THREDDS Catalogs
Design and Analysis of Clinical Non-Inferiority or Superiority Trials with Active and Placebo Cont…
Your Advanced 3D Brain Visualization
ML Estimator for Baseline-Placebo-Treatment (Three-Group) Experiments
Interactive 3D Scatter Plots, Networks and Globes
Download Charitable Grants from the '360Giving' Platform
Three-Way Component Analysis
The Japanese Pictorial Maxim "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil"
Represent Precise Coordinates in Three Words
r-thregNix package
Threshold Regression
Threshold Regression for Interval-Censored Data with a Cure Rate Option
Threshing and Reaping for Principal Components