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Showing entries 41301-41400 out of 54071.
r-tcplNix package
ToxCast Data Analysis Pipeline
A Concentration-Response Modeling Utility
Two Cut-Points with Maximum Odds Ratio
r-TCseqNix package
r-tdNix package
Access to the 'twelvedata' Financial Data API
r-TDANix package
Statistical Tools for Topological Data Analysis
Toolkit for Topological Data Analysis
Machine Learning and Inference for Topological Data Analysis
Pipeline for Topological Data Analysis
r-tdataNix package
Prepare Your Time-Series Data for Further Analysis
Uniform Manifold Samplers for Topological Data Analysis
Vector Summaries of Persistence Diagrams
Companion Package for the Book "Data Integration, Manipulation and Visualization of Phylogenetic T…
A Boosted Tweedie Compound Poisson Model
r-TDCMNix package
The Transition Diagnostic Classification Model Framework
Automating the Creation of Stan Code for TDCMs
r-TDCorNix package
Gene Network Inference from Time-Series Transcriptomic Data
r-TDDNix package
Wicked Fast, Accurate Quantiles Using t-Digests
r-TDLMNix package
Systematic Comparison of Trip Distribution Laws and Models
r-TDMRNix package
Granier's Sap Flow Sensors (TDP) Analysis
r-tdrNix package
Target Diagram
r-tdROCNix package
Nonparametric Estimation of Time-Dependent ROC, Brier Score, and Survival Difference from Right Ce…
r-tdsaNix package
Time-Dependent Sensitivity Analysis
r-tdscNix package
Time Domain Signal Coding
Time Delay Spatio Temporal Neural Network
TDT Tests for Extended Haplotypes
r-TENix package
Insertion/Deletion Dynamics for Transposable Elements
r-teaNix package
Threshold Estimation Approaches
A Collection of Amended Histograms Designed for Teaching Statistics
Demonstrations for Teaching and Learning
Selection of Samples and Parameter Estimation in Finite Population
Fits Neural Networks to Learn About Backpropagation
r-tealNix package
Exploratory Web Apps for Analyzing Clinical Trials Data
Solve for Leaf Temperature Using Energy Balance
r-TEAMNix package
Multiple Hypothesis Testing on an Aggregation Tree Method
Color Palettes for Pro Sports Teams
r-teamrNix package
Send Formatted Messages, Images and Objects to Microsoft 'Teams'
Analyzing the Orientation of Maximum Horizontal Stress
r-tedaNix package
An Implementation of the Typicality and Eccentricity Data Analysis Framework
Fit and Tune Models to Detect Treatment Effect Heterogeneity
Model-Based Clustering and Classification with the Multivariate t Distribution
API Wrapper for Taiwan Economic Journal Data Service
Estimation and Prediction for Remote Effects Spatial Process Models
R Wrapper Around the Telegram Bot API
Filter and Analyze Generalised Telemetry Data from Organisms
Bayesian Mixtures with an Unknown Number of Components
r-TELPNix package
Social Representation Theory Application: The Free Evocation of Words Technique
Retrieval and Visualization of Mobility Data from 'Telraam' Sensors
Temporal Contributions on Trends using Mixed Models
Methods for Temporal Disaggregation and Interpolation of Time Series
Temperature Response
Estimate Brain Networks and Connectivity with ICA and Empirical Priors
A System for Working with Templates
MASCOTNUM Algorithms Template Tools
Parametric Time to Event Analysis
Outputs Temporal Profile of Molecules from Stochastic Simulation Algorithm Generated Datasets
r-tempRNix package
Temporal Sensory Data Analysis
A Collection of Methods to Estimate Parameters of Different Tempered Stable Distributions
Temporal Tensor Decomposition, a Dimensionality Reduction Tool for Longitudinal Multivariate Data
Compute and Display Tendril Plots
Provides ZENIT-POLAR Substitution Cipher Method of Encryption
r-tenmNix package
Temporal Ecological Niche Models
Tensor product of arrays
Advanced Tensor Arithmetic with Named Indices
Bayesian Tensor Factorization
Blind Source Separation Methods for Tensor-Valued Observations
Model-Based Tensor Clustering
Tensor Noise Reduction and Completion Methods
A Fast Algorithm to Factorize High-Dimensional Tensor Product Matrices
R Interface to 'TensorFlow'
Handle Missing Tensor Data with C++ Integration
Rank and Factor Loadings Estimation in Time Series Tensor Factor Models
Supervised Tensor Decomposition with Side Information
Multiway Clustering via Tensor Block Models
Fitting Second-Order Tensor Data
Multilinear Algebra