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Showing entries 1401-1500 out of 1983.
pythonmathNix package
Nim module to provide an interface as similar as possible to Python's math libary
pythonpathlibNix package
Module for working with paths that is as similar as possible to Python's pathlib
qNix package
Simple CSS3 selectors for Nim
qeuNix package
Compare two number
qrNix package
QR-code tools
qrcodeNix package
Module for creating and reading QR codes using
qrcodegenNix package
QR Code Generator for Nim
qrtermNix package
A simple QR generator in your terminal
qt5_qtsqlNix package
Binding for Qt 5's Qt SQL library
quadtreeNix package
A Quadtree Implementation
questionableNix package
Elegant optional types
quickcryptNix package
A library for quickly and easily encrypting strings and text file content
quickjs4nimNix package
QuickJS wrapper for Nim
quickjwtNix package
JSON Web Tokens for Nim
qwatcherNix package
Linux Queue Watcher
qwertycdNix package
Terminal UI based cd command
rabbitNix package
The Hundred Rabbits theme ecosystem brought to Nim
rainNix package
Rain simulation in your terminal
rainbowNix package
256 colors for shell
randgenNix package
A random variable generator library for nim-lang
randomNix package
Pseudo-random number generation library inspired by Python
Random curated Fonts and pastel Colors for your UI/UX design, design for non-designers
randpwNix package
Random password and passphrase generator
rangequeriesNix package
An implementation of Range Queries in Nim
rangesNix package
Exploration of various implementations of memory range types
rapidNix package
A game engine for rapid development and easy prototyping
ratelNix package
Nim for microcontrollers
RayTracing Algorith in Nim
rbacNix package
Simple Role-based Access Control Library
rbtreeNix package
Red/Black Tree
rc4Nix package
RC4 library implementation
rceditNix package
A new awesome nimble package
rdguiNix package
A modular GUI toolkit for rapid
reactNix package
Example React single page application
react16Nix package
Sample React 16.6 SPA with hooks using Nim
reactorNix package
Asynchronous networking engine for Nim
reactorfuseNix package
Filesystem in userspace (FUSE) support for reactor.nim
readfqNix package
Wrapper for Heng Li's kseq
readyNix package
A Redis client for multi-threaded servers
recaptchaNix package
ReCAPTCHA support for Nim, supporting rendering a capctcha and verifying a user's response
receqNix package
A generator for comparison of recursive ref object types
recordsNix package
Operations on tuples as heterogeneous record types a la Relational Algebra
rectNix package
Rect is a command to crop/paste rectangle text
rect_packerNix package
Pack rects into bigger rect
redisNix package
Official redis client for Nim
redisclientNix package
Redis client for Nim
redismodulesNix package
A new awesome nimble package
redisparserNix package
RESP(REdis Serialization Protocol) Serialization for Nim
redissessionsNix package
Redis sessions for jester
redpoolNix package
Redis connection pool
reduxNix package
Predictable state container
redux_nimNix package
Redux Implementation in nim
reframeNix package
Tools for working with re-frame ClojureScript projects
regexNix package
Linear time regex matching
remarker_lightNix package
Remarker_light is a command line tool for building a remark-based slideshow page very easily
remizstdNix package
Bindings for ZStandard
remoteryNix package
Nim wrapper for (and with) Celtoys's Remotery
renaNix package
Rena is a tiny fire/directory renaming command
replimNix package
Most quick REPL of nim
requirementstxtNix package
Python requirements.txt parser for Nim
resolvNix package
Access glibc DNS resolution routines
resolverNix package
Dependency resolution and semantic versioning utils
resultNix package
Friendly, exception-free value-or-error returns, similar to Option[T]
resultsutilsNix package
Utility macros for easier handling of Result
resultutilsNix package
Utility macros for easier handling of Result
rethinkdbNix package
RethinkDB driver for Nim
retranslatorNix package
rexpaintNix package
REXPaint .xp parser
rfc3339Nix package
RFC3339 (dates and times) implementation for Nim
riffNix package
RIFF file handling in Nim
riimutNix package
Transform latin letters to runes & vice versa
ringdequeNix package
Deque implementatoin using DoublyLinkedRing
risNix package
Module for working with RIS citation files
rlpNix package
RLP serialization library for Nim
rnimNix package
A library to interface between Nim and R
robotparserNix package
Determine if a useragent can access a particular URL using robots.txt
rocksdbNix package
A wrapper for Facebook's RocksDB, an embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage
rodcliNix package
Making Nim development easier in the command-line
rodsterNix package
rollinghashNix package
A high performance Nim implementation of a Cyclic Polynomial Hash, aka BuzHash, and Rabin-Karp alg…
romanimNix package
Converts Roman numerals to what you understand without a blinkblink
romansNix package
Conversion between integers and Roman numerals
rootsNix package
Root finding functions for Nim
rosencrantzNix package
Web server DSL
rowdyNix package
Magically map procs to mummy's router
rpgsheetNix package
CLI/TUI application for TTRPG character sheets
rssNix package
Nim RSS parser
rsvgNix package
Wrapper for librsvg, a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) rendering library
rtreeNix package
rubyNix package
Ruby Interpreter API Bindings
run_exeNix package
A mini DSL for Nim that provides syntactic sugar for running/piping shell commands
runeterra_decksNix package
Legends of Runeterra deck/card code encoder/decoder
runnedNix package
Runned is a simple tool to check the execution time of terminal commands
rwlocksNix package
Readers-writer locks
rx_nimNix package
An implementation of rx observables in nim
safesetNix package
Set that can safely add and remove elements while iterating
samNix package
Fast and just works JSON-Binding for Nim
sam_protocolNix package
I2P SAM Protocol without any IO
sampletodolistNix package
Sample Todo List Application
sassNix package
A wrapper for the libsass library