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Showing entries 1101-1200 out of 1983.
nimpb_protocNix package
Protocol Buffers compiler for nimpb
nimpcNix package
Secure multi-party computation
nimpcreNix package
PCRE wrapper for Nim
nimpdfNix package
PDF document generation library written in nim
nimplehttpserverNix package
SimpleHTTPServer module based on net sockets
nimpmdaNix package
PCP PMDA module bindings
nimpngNix package
PNG encoder and decoder
nimpressNix package
Calculate polygenic scores from VCFs
nimpretty_tNix package
Use nimpretty with tab indentation
nimprotectNix package
NimProtect is a tiny single-macro library for protecting sensitive strings in compiled binaries
nimpyNix package
Nim python integration lib
nimqbittorrentNix package
A wrapper for the QBittorrent WebAPI
nimqmlNix package
QML bindings for Nim
nimqueryNix package
Library for querying HTML using CSS-selectors (like JavaScripts document.querySelector)
nimrNix package
Helper to run nim code like a script
nimratNix package
Rational arithmetic module for Nim
nimraxNix package
Radix tree wrapper for Nim
nimraylib_nowNix package
The Ultimate Raylib gaming library wrapper
nimrconNix package
Simple RCON client
nimrdkafkaNix package
Low-level Nim wrapper for librdkafka
nimrod-glfwNix package
Nimrod bindings for GLFW3 library
nimrpcNix package
RPC implementation for Nim based on msgpack4nim created by @jangko
nimrpc_milisNix package
RPC implementation for Nim based on msgpack4nim
nimrtlsdrNix package
Nim wrapper around librtlsdr
nimrunNix package
Runs nim code as scripts, regardless of file extension
nimscripterNix package
A easy to use Nimscript interop package
nimsha2Nix package
SHA2 secure hash algorithm - 2 - [224, 256, 384, 512 bits]
nimshellNix package
Library for shell scripting in nim
nimsimdNix package
Pleasant Nim bindings for SIMD instruction sets
nimslNix package
Shaders in Nim
nimsnappyNix package
Snappy lib wrapper for Nim
nimsnappycNix package
Snappy-C lib wrapper for Nim
nimsocksNix package
SOCKS server and client
nimspiceNix package
A bunch of macros
nimssh2Nix package
Libssl2 wrapper for Nim
nimsslNix package
OpenSSL wrapper for Nim
nimstopwatchNix package
Command line stopwatch written in Nim with split / lap support
nimsuggestNix package
Tool for providing auto completion data for Nim source code
nimsuiteNix package
A simple test framework for nim
nimsvgNix package
Nim-based DSL allowing to generate SVG files and GIF animations
nimtactoeNix package
A TicTacToe game written in nim!
nimterlinguaNix package
Internationalization at Compile Time for Nim
nimteropNix package
C/C++ interop for Nim
nimtess2Nix package
Nim wrapper for libtess2
nimtesseractNix package
A wrapper to Tesseract OCR library for Nim
nimtestNix package
Simple testing framework for Nim
nimtetrisNix package
A simple terminal tetris in Nim
nimtiingoNix package
nimtomdNix package
Convert Nim files to markdown
nimtraitsNix package
Trait system for nim
nimtrsNix package
Nim term rewriting system
nimvisaNix package
Nimvisa is C wrapper for NI-VISA instrument control library
nimvizNix package
A wrapper for the graphviz c api
nimwaveNix package
A TUI -> GUI library
nimwcNix package
Generate and host a website
nimwebpNix package
Webp bindings
nimwinNix package
A windowing library inspired by Rust's winit library
nimwordNix package
A simple library with a simple interface to do password hashing and validation with different algo…
nimxNix package
GUI framework
nimx2Nix package
GUI framework
nimzbarNix package
Zbar wrapper for Nim
nimzendNix package
Native Nim Zend API glue for easy PHP extension development
nint128Nix package
128-bit integers
nioNix package
A new server library
niprefsNix package
Store and manage preferences dynamically in a text file within table-like structure
nishNix package
A Toy Shell Application
nitroNix package
Nitro state channels
niupNix package
IUP FFI bindings
njoNix package
A small utility to create JSON objects written in Nim
nloptNix package
A wrapper of the C library NLOPT for non-linear optimization
nmarkNix package
Fast markdown parser
nmiNix package
Nmi display animations aimed to correct users who accidentally enter nmi instead of nim
nmqttNix package
Native MQTT library and binaries for publishing, subscribing and broker
noaaNix package
NOAA weather API wrapper
nobjectNix package
A partially compile and runtime evaluated object, inspired to .net object
nodeNix package
Library for async programming and communication
nodejsNix package
NodeJS Standard Library for Nim
nodesnimNix package
The Nim GUI/2D framework based on OpenGL and SDL2
nofiNix package
Nim rofi (rust openfabrics interface) wrapper
noiseNix package
Noise is a Nim implementation of linenoise
noisyNix package
Nim implementation of various noise types
nominatimNix package
OpenStreetMap Nominatim API Lib and CLI Client for Nim
nopticsNix package
Nim Linear algebra, classical and quantum optics simulation package
nordaudioNix package
A wrapper for PortAudio
nordnetNix package
Scraping API for
normNix package
Nim ORM for SQLite and PostgreSQL
normalizeNix package
Unicode normalization forms (tr15)
normanNix package
Scaffolder and migration manager for Norm
norxNix package
A wrapper of the ORX 2.5D game engine
notcursesNix package
A wrapper for Notcurses
notetxtNix package
A library that implements the note.txt specification for note taking
notificatcherNix package
Small program to read freedesktop notifications and format them as strings
notificationNix package
Desktop notifications
notificationsNix package
GUI notifications for Mac OS X's Notification Center
notifishowerNix package
Simple program to show notifications with images and actions around the screen
notifyNix package
A wrapper to notification libraries
notmuchNix package
Wrapper for the notmuch 0.28.0 mail library
npegNix package
A PEG library
npgNix package
Password generator in Nim
nptrNix package
Nim lang smart pointers