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Showing entries 1201-1300 out of 1983.
nreNix package
Yet another PCRE library
nregexNix package
A DFA based regex engine
nrplNix package
nshNix package
Nsh: Nim SHell(cross platform)
nshoutNix package
Libshout wrapper for Nim
nsuNix package
A small screenshot library / utility for Windows & X11 based systems
ntangleNix package
Command-line utility for Tangling of Org mode documents
numericalnimNix package
A collection of numerical methods written in Nim
numnimNix package
A numpy like ndarray and dataframe library for nim-lang
numtowordNix package
Convert numbers to words
nuuidNix package
A Nim source only UUID generator
nwatchdogNix package
Simple watchdog (watch file changes modified, deleted, created) in nim lang
nwtNix package
Minimal jinja like experiment
nymlNix package
A stupid simple YAML-like implementation in Nim language
oaitoolsNix package
High Level OAI-PMH library for Nim
oauthNix package
OAuth library for nim
objc_runtimeNix package
Objective-c runtime bindings
oblivionNix package
Shell command manager
oculusNix package
Bindings for the Oculus VR SDK
odbcnNix package
Abstraction of ODBC
odsreaderNix package
OpenDocument Spreadhseet reader
oghamNix package
Convert Ogham inscriptions to latin text & vice versa
oldgtk3Nix package
Low level bindings for GTK3 related libraries
oldwinapiNix package
Old Win API library for Nim
omniNix package
Omni is a DSL for low-level audio programming
omnicolliderNix package
SuperCollider wrapper for omni
omnilogNix package
Advanced logging library for Nim with structured logging, formatters, filters and writers
omnimaxNix package
Max wrapper for omni
onceNix package
Once provides a type that will enforce that a callback is invoked only once
onedriveNix package
Get information on files and folders in OneDrive
onnxruntimeNix package
Onnxruntime c Api wrapped for nim
oolibNix package
A nimble package which provides user-defined types, procedures, etc
oop_utilsNix package
Macro for building OOP class hierarchies based on closure methods
open_elevationNix package
OpenStreetMap Elevation API MultiSync Client for Nim
openaiNix package
openalNix package
An OpenAL wrapper for nim
openapiNix package
OpenAPI Code Generator
openclNix package
Low-level wrapper for OpenCL
opencvNix package
OpenCV wrapper
OpenExchangeRates API Client for Nim
openglNix package
An OpenGL wrapper
opensimplexnoiseNix package
A pure nim port of the open simplex noise algorithm from Kurt Spencer
openssl_evpNix package
Wrapper for OpenSSL's EVP interface
openstreetmapNix package
OpenStreetMap API Lib for Nim
opentdbNix package
Wrapper around the open trivia db api
openurlNix package
Open Any Url/File in the default desktop App / WebBrowser!
openweathermapNix package
OpenWeatherMap API Lib for Nim, Free world wide Creative Commons & Open Data Licensed Weather …
optional_tNix package
A simple Option[T] library
optionalsNix package
Option types
optionsNix package
Temporary package for people running 0.11.2 stable
optionsutilsNix package
Utility macros for easier handling of options in Nim
opusNix package
A nim wrapper for the opus audio decoder
opusencNix package
Bindings to libopusenc
opussumNix package
Wrapper around libopus
originNix package
A graphics math library
orminNix package
Prepared SQL statement generator
os_filesNix package
Native file dialogs (x11, windows, osx) with extension filters and predefined path
osdialogNix package
Nim wrapper for the osdialog library
oshostnameNix package
Get the current hostname with gethostname(2)
osinfoNix package
Modules providing information about the OS
osrmNix package
Open Source Routing Machine for OpenStreetMap API Lib and App
osureplayNix package
Osu replay parser library and command-line utility
osutilNix package
OS Utils for Nim, simple tiny but useful procs for OS
otpNix package
One Time Password library for Nim
otplibNix package
Easy to use OTP library for Nim
overpassNix package
OpenStreetMap Overpass API Lib
owlkettleNix package
A declarative user interface framework based on GTK
owoNix package
OwO text convewtew fow Nim
owoifynimNix package
Turning your worst nightmare into a Nim package
p4ztag_to_jsonNix package
Convert Helix Version Control / Perforce (p4) -ztag output to JSON
p5nimNix package
Nim bindings for p5.js
package-updaterNix package
A cure for the lack of package-level visibility in Nim
packedargsNix package
A convention mainly created for createThread proc
packedjsonNix package
Packedjson is an alternative Nim implementation for JSON
packetsNix package
Pure Nim declarative packets system for serializing/deserializing
packyNix package
Pack dependencies into the compiled binary
pagerNix package
A simple library for paging, similar to less
paletteNix package
Color Library
palladianNix package
A Frontend Web Framework for Nim based on Preact
pantryNix package
Client library for
papeNix package
Portable Executable parsing library
paramidiNix package
A library for making MIDI music
Sound fonts for paramidi
paramidibNix package
Paramidi with nimib
paranimNix package
A game library for nim
pararulesNix package
A rules engine
parasoundNix package
Bindings for miniaudio
paratextNix package
A library for rendering text with paranim
paravimNix package
A parasitic editor
parazoaNix package
Immutable, persistent data structures
pariNix package
Pari/Gp C library wrapper for Nim
parlexgenNix package
Parser/lexer generator (LALR)
parsefixedNix package
Parser for text files with Fixed-Width fields
parsegeminiNix package
Library for parsing text/gemini
parseiniNix package
A high-performance ini parse library
parselicenseNix package
Parse Standard SPDX Licenses from string to Enum
parsepageNix package
Automatically extracts the data of sites
parsesqlNix package
The parsesql module implements a high performance SQL file parser
parsetomlNix package
Toml parser library for Nim