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Showing entries 1801-1900 out of 1983.
Tree-sitter-typescript wrapper for Nim
trickNix package
GBA image conversion library and more
tripletsNix package
The Nim bindings for linksplatform/Data.Triplets.Kernel
tsundokuNix package
OPDS ebook server
tsv2jsonNix package
Turn TSV file or stream into JSON file or stream
ttmathNix package
A Nim wrapper for ttmath: big numbers with fixed size
ttopNix package
Monitoring tool with historical snapshots and alerts
tuplesNix package
Tuple manipulation utilities
turn_based_gameNix package
Game rules framework for turn-based games
tweensNix package
Basic tweening library for Nim
twitterNix package
A twitter API wrapper for Nim
typelistsNix package
Type lists
typographyNix package
Fonts, Typesetting and Rasterization for Nim
uapNix package
Nim implementation of ua-parser
uf2libNix package
A uf2 library for nim
uiNix package
Nim's official UI library
uibuilderNix package
UI building with Gnome's Glade
uingNix package
Wrapper for libui-ng, a maintained fork of libui
ulidNix package
Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier
unchainedNix package
Fully type safe, compile time only units library
uncommentNix package
Uncomment the codes at the compile time
unibsNix package
Binary de-/serialization that works on js, c and comp-time
unicode_numbersNix package
Converts a number into a specially formatted Unicode string
unicodedbNix package
Unicode Character Database (UCD) access for Nim
unicodeplusNix package
Common unicode operations
unitNix package
A library that provides unit types in nim
unitsNix package
Units of measure
unittest2Nix package
Unittest fork with support for parallel test execution
unpackNix package
Array/Sequence/Object destructuring/unpacking macro
unrolledNix package
Unroll for-loops at compile-time
unsplashNix package
Unsplash API Client for Nim
untarNix package
Library for decompressing tar.gz files
A simple tool to update nimble version
upraisesNix package
Exception tracking for older versions of nim
urNix package
Universal Result objects
urandNix package
Simple method of obtaining secure random numbers from the OS
uri2Nix package
Nim module for better URI handling
uri3Nix package
This is extension for uri (For handling uri) module and forked from uri2 with some bug fix
urllyNix package
URI and URL parsing for Nim for C/JS backends
urlonNix package
URL Object Notation implemented in Nim
urlshortenerNix package
A URL shortener cli app
usagovNix package
USA Code
useraddNix package
Linux adduser/useradd library with all batteries included
useragentsNix package
Parses users agents in nim
userdefNix package
A more advanced adduser for your Alpine based Docker images
ushaNix package
Untitled shell history application
usigarNix package
USIG Argentina Government MultiSync API Client for Nim
ustringNix package
Utf-8 string
utf8testsNix package
UTF-8 test cases and supporting code
utilNix package
Small utilities that isn't large enough to have a individual modules
utilsNix package
Collection of useful Nim code
uuidNix package
Wrapper for the UUID library
uuid4Nix package
UUIDs in pure Nim
uuidsNix package
UUID library
validateipNix package
Nim module for checking if a provided string is actually a correct IP address
validationNix package
Field validation for Nim objects
validatorNix package
This library provides several functions to validate real world data types
validoNix package
A library of string validators and sanitizers
valuesNix package
Library for working with arbitrary values + a map data structure
variantNix package
Variant type and type matching
variantkeyNix package
Encode variants to uint64
variantsugarNix package
Utility macros mostly for object variants
vaultclientNix package
Hashicorp Vault HTTP Client
vecNix package
A very simple vector library
vecioNix package
Vectored io for nim
vecmathNix package
Various maths fucntions useful to graphics
vectorNix package
Simple reallocating vector
vectorsNix package
Simple multidimensional vector math
versiclesNix package
Lib and CLI tool to manipulate biblical verses!
vidhdrNix package
Library for determining the format of a video file
vikunjaNix package
Nim Vikunja client
vimeoNix package
Vimeo extractor
vkapiNix package
Wrapper for API
vlaNix package
Variable length arrays for Nim
vmathNix package
Your single stop for vector math routines for 2d and 3d graphics
vmprotectNix package
Wrapper for VMProtect SDK
vmvcNix package
A skeleton/structure for a variation on the mvc pattern, similar to dci
vscdsNix package
vtableNix package
Vtable for nim
w8crcNix package
Full-featured CRC library for Nim
watch_for_filesNix package
Cross-platform file watcher with database
watchoutNix package
⚡️ Just
waterparkNix package
Thread-safe object pools
wautoNix package
WAuto - Windows automation module
waveNix package
Wave is a tiny WAV sound module
wavecoreNix package
Server and client utils for ANSIWAVE BBS
waylandNix package
Nim bindings for libwayland
wchartNix package
Chart plugin for wNim
wcwidthNix package
Implementation of wcwidth with Nim
weaveNix package
A state-of-the-art ùultithreading runtime
web3Nix package
This is the humble begginings of library similar to web3.[js|py]
webaudioNix package
API for Web Audio (JS)
webbyNix package
Common HTTP data structures and functionality
webdavclientNix package
WebDAV Client for Nim
webdriverNix package
Implementation of the WebDriver w3c spec
webglNix package
Basic wrapper for WebGL
webguiNix package
Web Technologies based Crossplatform GUI, modified wrapper for modified webview.h
webpNix package
WebP Tools wrapper for Nim
webrodNix package
webrtcvadNix package
Webrtcvad (google's opensourced voice activity detection engine) bindings for Nim