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Showing entries 1301-1400 out of 1983.
pas2nimNix package
Pas2nim is a tool to translate Pascal code to Nim
passgenNix package
Password generation library in Nim
passyNix package
A new awesome nimble package
pastebinNix package
Pastebin API wrapper
patgraphNix package
Graph data structure library
pathnameNix package
Library to support work with pathnames in Windows and Posix-based systems
pattyNix package
Algebraic data types and pattern matching
pcapNix package
Tiny pure Nim library to read PCAP files
pcgbasicNix package
Permuted Congruential Generator (PCG) Random Number Generation (RNG) for Nim
pdbaNix package
A postgres DB adapter for nim
pdcursesNix package
Nim wrapper for PDCurses
peniNix package
PE tool based on libpe (with no S)
periapsisengineNix package
An engine, originally made for the game Beyond the Sphere
perlinNix package
A Perlin Noise Implementation
persistent_enumsNix package
Define enums which values preserve their binary representation upon inserting or reordering
persvectorNix package
Implementation of Clojures persistent vector in Nim for easy immutable lists
pfringNix package
PF_RING wrapper for Nim
pgNix package
Very simple PostgreSQL async api for nim
pg_utilNix package
Collection of utility functions for working with Postgres
pgxcrownNix package
Build Postgres extensions in Nim
phoonNix package
A web framework inspired by ExpressJS 🐇⚡
phosphorNix package
Phosphor is a library that uses light metaprogramming to make writing openGL code eaiser
phylogeniNix package
A Nim library for working with phylogenetic trees
physfsNix package
A library to provide abstract access to various archives
picohttpparserNix package
Bindings for picohttpparser
pigeonNix package
🕊️ Define procedures on the server, call them from the browser
pineNix package
Nim Static Blog & Site Generator
pinggraphNix package
Simple terminal ping graph
pipeNix package
Pipe operator for nim
pipelinesNix package
A tiny framework & language for crafting massively parallel data pipelines
pipexpNix package
Expression-based pipe operators with placeholder argument
pixelsNix package
Toy support library for primitive graphics programming
pixieNix package
Full-featured 2d graphics library for Nim
pkginfoNix package
A tiny utility package to extract Nimble information from any project
platformerNix package
An example 2D platform game with SDL2
playdateNix package
Playdate Nim bindings with extra features
playgroundNix package
Website and server for easily playing with nim code
playlistsNix package
Module for working with M3U, PLS, and XSPF playlist files
pledgeNix package
A wrapper around OpenBSD's pledge(2) systemcall for Nim
plistsNix package
Generate and parse Mac OS X .plist files
plnimNix package
Language Handler for executing Nim inside postgres as a procedural language
plotlyNix package
Plotting library for nim
pluginmanagerNix package
Simple plugin implementation
pluginsNix package
Plugin system for Nim
plzNix package
PLZ Python PIP alternative
pngNix package
Wrapper around the libpng library for png graphics
pnmNix package
Pnm is library for PNM (Portable AnyMap)
pokerevalNix package
A poker hand evaluator
polyboolNix package
Polygon Clipping Library
polymorphNix package
A compile time focused entity-component-system generator
polynumericNix package
Polynomial operations
polypbrenNix package
Renormalization of colloidal charges of polydipserse dispersions using the Poisson-Boltzmann equat…
pomtimerNix package
A simple pomodoro timer for the comandline with cli-output and notifications
ponairiNix package
Simple ORM for sqlite
pop3Nix package
POP3 client library
porterNix package
Nim implementation of Porter's stemmer, with a possibility to add new languagess
powernimNix package
Basic power menu for Linux (with systemd)
ppmNix package
Lib for ppm image
preprodNix package
preservesNix package
Data model and serialization format
prestoNix package
REST API implementation
prettyclrNix package
Small library for working with colors
prettystrNix package
Small library for working with strings
prettyvecNix package
Small library for working with vectors
pricecsvNix package
Easily calculate the total of all products in csv
primesNix package
Utilities for prime numbers
primmeNix package
Nim interface for PRIMME: PReconditioned Iterative MultiMethod Eigensolver
printNix package
Print is a set of pretty print macros, useful for print-debugging
printdebugNix package
Print Debug for Nim, tiny 3 lines Lib, C Target
procsNix package
Unix process&system query&formatting library&multi-command CLI in Nim
progressNix package
A simple progress bar for Nim
prologueNix package
Prologue is an elegant and high performance web framework
prometheusNix package
A prometheus instrumentation library for Nim
promptNix package
Feature-rich readline replacement
pronimgressNix package
Simple text progress bars in Nim!
protobufNix package
Pure Nim library for using protobuf in Nim
Protobuf implementation compatible with the nim-serialization framework
protocoledNix package
An interface macro for Nim
protonNix package
Proton template engine
proxyprotoNix package
PROXY Protocol enabler for aged programs
psutilNix package
Psutil is a cross-platform library for retrieving information on running processes and system util…
psutilimNix package
Psutil is a cross-platform library for retrieving information on running processes and system util…
ptestNix package
You debug with print statements?
ptr_mathNix package
Pointer arithmetic library
ptraceNix package
Ptrace wrapper and helpers for Nim
punycodeNix package
Implements a representation of Unicode with the limited ASCII character subset in Nim
puppyNix package
Puppy fetches resources via HTTP and HTTPS
pvimNix package
A parasitic editor
pwdNix package
Module for working with the UNIX password file
pwnedNix package
A client for the Pwned passwords API
pwnedpassNix package
A client and api for the Pwned passwords API
py2nimNix package
Py2Nim is a tool to translate Python code to Nim
pychNix package
A tool that watches Python files and re-runs them on change
pykotNix package
Porting some Python /
pylibNix package
Nim library with python-like functions and operators
pymodNix package
Auto-generate a Python module that wraps a Nim module
pythonNix package
Wrapper to interface with Python 1/2 interpreter
python3Nix package
Wrapper to interface with Python 3 interpreter (static / dynamic)
pythonfileNix package
Wrapper of the file functions to provide an interface as similar as possible to that of Python
pythonizeNix package
A higher-level wrapper for the Python Programing Language