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Showing entries 1401-1500 out of 21303.
Bash unit testing enterprise edition framework for professionals
Style enforcement for bash programs
A single Bash script to create blogs
Practice flashcards in bash
Bash script debugger
bashlyNix package
Bash command line framework and CLI generator
A menu-driven bash script for the management of removable media with udisks
Plotting in the terminal
A collection of small bash scripts for heavy terminal users
An event listener/callback API for creating extensible bash programs
An event listener/callback API for creating extensible bash programs
basic2dNix package
Deprecated module from stdlib
basic3dNix package
Deprecated package from the stdlib
68k Macintosh emulator
bastetNix package
Tetris clone with 'bastard' block-choosing AI
The sd-bus library, extracted from systemd
batNix package
A cat(1) clone with syntax highlighting and Git integration
batchsendNix package
Nim / Python library to feed HTTP server quickly with custom messages
B.A.T.M.A.N. routing protocol in a linux kernel module for layer 2, control tool
Java based toolkit for handling SVG
Bash Automated Testing System
Lightweight battery daemon written in C
batteriesNix package
Module that imports common nim standard library modules for your convenience
battery_widgetNix package
Battery widget for command prompt
Scientific signal analysis application
Detecting natural selection from population-based genetic data
bazarrNix package
Subtitle manager for Sonarr and Radarr
Graphical configurator for Dygma Products
Build tool that builds code quickly and reliably
Build tool that builds code quickly and reliably
Build tool that builds code quickly and reliably
Tools for working with Google's bazel buildtool
Gazelle is a Bazel build file generator for Bazel projects
Kazel - a BUILD file generator for go and bazel
A remote HTTP/1.1 cache for Bazel
Tools for building Bazel targets when source files change
A user-friendly launcher for Bazel
AA-lib demo
bbeNix package
A sed-like editor for binary files
Install any Babashka script or project with one command
bcNix package
GNU software calculator
Elliptic curve library supporting Ed448-Goldilocks and Curve25519
Database access library for C++
bc-urNix package
UR reference library in C++
User-space tools required for bcache (Linux block layer cache)
Tool for managing bcachefs filesystems
Storage conversion and expression calculator
Dynamic Tracing Tools for Linux
Tools for manipulating BCF2/VCF/gVCF format, SNP and short indel sequence variants
Opensource implementation of both encoder and decoder of the ITU G729 Annex A/B speech codec
An audio stream chopping LV2 plugin
A program that converts CD images in BIN/CUE format into a set of ISO and CDR tracks
GUI application that allows to quickly and easily compare files and folders
bcraNix package
Central Bank of Argentina Gov API Client with debtor corporations info
bcryptNix package
Wraps the bcrypt (blowfish) library for creating encrypted hashes (useful for passwords)
Utilities library for Linphone
Belledonne Communications' fork of CUnit test framework
Build2 project dependency manager
BDF to PSF converter
BDF to SFD converter
Tool to resize BDF fonts
Fast block device synchronizing tool
beamerpresenterbeamerpresenterNix package
Modular multi screen pdf presentation viewer
beamerpresenterbeamerpresenter-popplerNix package
Modular multi screen pdf presentation viewer
Beancount transaction entry assistant
Double-entry bookkeeping computer language
Opinioned code formatter for Beancount
Beancount Importers for ING-DiBa (Germany) CSV Exports
A Language Server Protocol (LSP) for beancount files
A beancount plugin to share expenses with external partners within one ledger
beanstalkdbeanstalkdNix package
A beanstalkd work queue client library
beanstalkdbeanstalkdNix package
A simple, fast work queue
Tool that generates a compilation database for clang tooling
Code security scanning tool (SAST) to discover, filter and prioritize security and privacy risks
bearlibterminalNix package
Wrapper for the C[++] library BearLibTerminal
bearsslbearsslNix package
BearSSL wrapper
An implementation of the SSL/TLS protocol written in C
beatsNix package
Swatch Internet Time implemented as a C program
Yet another mod installer for Beat Saber, heavily inspired by ModAssistant
BeautyLine icon theme
Tool for beautifying Bash scripts
Suite of tools for addressing questions arising in genomics studies
A powerful toolset for genome arithmetic
Ethereum Swarm Bee
BeeBEEP is the free office messenger that is indispensable in all those places where privacy and s…
A small script to create bootable EFISTUB kernel images
Modern and easy to use SQL client for MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, SQL Server, and more
beepNix package
The advanced PC speaker beeper
beetsNix package
Music tagger and library organizer
Music tagger and library organizer
Behaviour-driven development, Python style
A Persian/Arabic Open Source Font
C++ library to manipulate VCard standard format
Modern library implementing SIP (RFC 3261) transport, transaction and dialog layers
A time traveling resource monitor for modern Linux systems
Belledonne Communications' language recognition library
Dynamic menu library and client program inspired by dmenu