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Showing entries 1601-1700 out of 22233.
Passwordless MFA identities for workforces, customers, and developers
bfcNix package
Industrial-grade brainfuck compiler
Quickly display a calendar
SuperB general-purpose fetch displayer written in portable sh
Removes large or troublesome blobs in a git repository like git-filter-branch does, but faster
bfrNix package
General-purpose command-line pipe buffer
bfsNix package
Breadth-first version of the UNIX find command
Collection of scripts used for BlueField SoC system management
Bundle of scripts for using Bio-Formats on the command line with bioformats_package.jar already in…
bftpdNix package
Minimal ftp server
bgnetNix package
Beej’s Guide to Network Programming
Analyze dump files produced by Zebra/Quagga or MRT
bgpq3Nix package
Bgp filtering automation tool
bgpq4Nix package
BGP filtering automation tool
bgsNix package
Extremely fast and small background setter for X
Material Based Cursor Theme
Translucent Varient of the Material Based Cursor
Prettyprint and syntax check BibTeX and Scribe bibliography data base files
Python2/3 script for checking BibLatex .bib
Multicast protocol to Bible software shared conavigation
Powerful cross platform Bible study tool
Documentation viewer for GNOME
Modern XMPP IRC gateway
Cleaner and Formatter for BibTeX files
Collection of tools for translating from BibTeX to HTML
Tool for manipulating BibTeX bibliographies
Bibliography format interconversion
bicNix package
C interpreter and API explorer
bicepNix package
Domain Specific Language (DSL) for deploying Azure resources declaratively
Brain Imaging Centre graphics library
biconNix package
Bidirectional console
Brain Imaging Centre programming library
biglooNix package
Efficient Scheme compiler
BitTorrent client based on the Azureus that supports I2P darknet for privacy
Thumbnailer for Nintendo handheld systems (Nintendo DS and 3DS) roms and files
BigQuery emulator server implemented in Go
Preprocessor for anyone writing specifications that converts source files into actual specs
Convert Bilibili XML/protobuf danmaku to ASS subtitle
Electron-based bilibili desktop client
Convenient free open source bilibili live recording tool
Embed binary & text files inside C binaries
binaryNix package
Small and simple app to convert numbers to a different base
Compiler infrastructure and toolchain library for WebAssembly, in C++
Raw binary firmware analysis software
bindbindNix package
Domain name server
binddigNix package
Domain name server
binddnsutilsNix package
Domain name server
bindhostNix package
Domain name server
Prometheus exporter for bind9 server
bindfsNix package
FUSE filesystem for mounting a directory to another location
bindleNix package
Bindle: Aggregate Object Storage
bingoNix package
Like go get but for Go tools!
Greps through binaries from various OSs and architectures, and colors them
Video player with a focus on 3D and Virtual Reality
Graphical tool to visualize binary data
binserveNix package
Fast production-ready static web server
Analyzer of executables using a terminal user interface
Sort files by binary similarity
binutilsbintools-unwrappedNix package
Tools for manipulating binaries (linker, assembler, etc.)
binutilsbinutils-unwrapped-all-targetsNix package
Tools for manipulating binaries (linker, assembler, etc.)
binutilsbinutils-unwrapped_2_38Nix package
Tools for manipulating binaries (linker, assembler, etc.)
Tools for manipulating binaries (linker, assembler, etc.)
binutils-wrapperbintoolsNoLibcNix package
Tools for manipulating binaries (linker, assembler, etc.)
Tools for manipulating binaries (linker, assembler, etc.)
binutils-wrapperbinutils_nogoldNix package
Tools for manipulating binaries (linker, assembler, etc.)
binutils-wrapperbinutilsNoLibcNix package
Tools for manipulating binaries (linker, assembler, etc.)
Firmware Analysis Tool
Toolkit for analyzing and visualizing phylogenetic (placement) data
BWK awk modified for biological data
Hex diff viewer using alignment algorithms from biology
biomeNix package
Toolchain of the web
Udev helper for naming devices per BIOS names
bipNix package
IRC proxy (bouncer)
birdbirdNix package
BIRD Internet Routing Daemon
birdbird2Nix package
BIRD Internet Routing Daemon
Prometheus exporter for the bird routing daemon
Bird Looking Glass
Font editor which can generate fonts in TTF, EOT, SVG and BIRDFONT format
Mail system tray notification icon for Thunderbird
Small HTTP server meant to provide an API defined by Barry O'Donovan's birds-eye to the BIRD inter…
CLI to generate and inspect biscuit tokens
bisonNix package
Yacc-compatible parser generator
Parser generator like bison, but it generates C++ code
bisq2Nix package
Decentralized bitcoin exchange network
bitNix package
Command-line tool for git
Language server for bitbake
bitboxNix package
Companion app for the BitBox02 hardware wallet
Bitbucket Enterprise CLI
Command line interface to interact with BitBucket Server (formerly Atlassian Stash)
Peer-to-peer electronic cash system
Peer-to-peer electronic cash system (Cash client)
Prometheus exporter for Bitcoin Core nodes
Peer-to-peer electronic cash system
Peer-to-peer electronic cash system (Cash client)
Derivative of Bitcoin Core with a collection of improvements
Free BitTorrent download client
biteNix package
Disassembler focused on comprehensive rust support
IRC instant messaging gateway
Bitlbee plugin for Discord