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Showing entries 1001-1100 out of 1983.
nimblerNix package
A new awesome nimble package
nimblexNix package
Run command line tools directly from the Nimble Directory
nimbluezNix package
Nim modules for access to system Bluetooth resources
nimbmpNix package
BMP encoder and decoder
nimbombNix package
A GiantBomb-wiki wrapper for nim
nimboostNix package
Additions to the Nim's standard library, like boost for C++
nimborgNix package
Both low-level and high-level wrappers to interface with foreign languages
nimboxNix package
A Rustbox-inspired termbox wrapper
nimbugNix package
Nim Semi-Auto Bug Report Tool
nimbusNix package
An Ethereum 2.0 Sharding Client for Resource-Restricted Devices
nimcatNix package
An implementation of cat
nimcbNix package
Integrate nim projects in the C++Builder build process
nimcdlNix package
Create circuits and printed circuit boards with nim!
nimcefNix package
CEF3 Chromium Emmbedded Framework wrapper
nimcfitsioNix package
Bindings for the CFITSIO library
nimchromepathNix package
Thin lib to find if chrome exists on Windows, Mac, or Linux
nimclipboardNix package
Nim wrapper for libclipboard
nimclutterNix package
Nim bindings for Clutter toolkit
nimcmaesNix package
Nim CMAES library
nimcolorNix package
Color printing interface for nim
nimcoonNix package
A command-line player for YouTube, PeerTube and more
nimcorporaNix package
A Nim interface for Darius Kazemi's Corpora Project
nimcrNix package
Simple program that allows you to use the shebang #!nimcr in your Nim files
nimcryptNix package
Nim implementation of MD5, SHA-256 and SHA-512 Unix crypt
nimcryptoNix package
Nim cryptographic library
nimcudaNix package
Nim binding for CUDA
nimcxNix package
Color and utilities library for a happy linux terminal
nimdataNix package
DataFrame API enabling fast out-of-core data analytics
nimdbxNix package
Unofficial Nim bindings for libmdbx key-value database
nimdenterNix package
A tool for people who don't like Nim's indentation-based syntax
nimdotenvNix package
nimemNix package
Library for external memory manipulation on a windows process
nimesNix package
NimES: NES Emulator in Nim
nimeverythingNix package
Everything wrapper (everything:
nimfasttextNix package
FastText wrapper for Nim
nimfcukNix package
A brainfuck interpreter & compiler implemented in nim
nimffNix package
Farbfeld encoder and decoder
nimfinlibNix package
Financial Library for Nim
nimfluxNix package
InfluxDB client library
nimfmNix package
Nimfm: A library for factorization machines in Nim
nimfmtNix package
Nim restyling tool
nimfunge98Nix package
A Funge-98 interpreter written in nim
nimfuzzNix package
Simple and compact Nim fuzzing library
nimfuzzyNix package
Fuzzy search wrapper for Nim
nimgaNix package
Genetic Algorithm Library for Nim
nimgame2Nix package
A simple 2D game engine for Nim language
nimgenNix package
C2nim helper to simplify and automate the wrapping of C libraries
nimgit2Nix package
Libgit2 wrapper for Nim
nimglNix package
Nim Game Library
nimgramNix package
MTProto client written in Nim
nimgraphqlNix package
Libgraphqlparser wrapper for Nim
nimgraphvizNix package
Nim bindings for the GraphViz tool and the DOT graph language
nimguiNix package
Bindings to cimgui -
nimhaNix package
Nim Home Assistant
nimhdf5Nix package
Bindings for the HDF5 data format C library
nimhqNix package
HQ Trivia API wrapper for Nim
nimi3statusNix package
Lightweight i3 status bar
nimibNix package
Nimib 🐳 - nim 👑 driven ⛵ publishing ✍
nimibookNix package
A port of mdbook to nim
nimicsNix package
Create ICS files for email invites, eg. invite.ics
niminstNix package
Tool to generate installers for Nim
nimishNix package
C macro for Nim
nimislidesNix package
Reveal.js theme for nimib
nimjaNix package
Typed and compiled template engine inspired by jinja2, twig and onionhammer/nim-templates for Nim
nimjlNix package
Nim Julia bridge
nimjsonNix package
Nimjson generates nim object definitions from json documents
nimkalcNix package
An advanced parsing library for mathematical expressions and equations
nimkerberosNix package
WinKerberos wrapper for Nim
nimkovNix package
Text generator, based on Markov Chains (Markov text generator)
nimlangserverNix package
Nim language server for IDEs
nimlapackNix package
Nim binding for LAPACK
nimldapNix package
LDAP client bindings
nimlerNix package
Erlang/Elixir NIFs
nimlevenshteinNix package
A wrapper for algorithms from python-Levenshtein package
nimlibpngNix package
Wrapper around the libpng library for png graphics
nimlibxlsxwriterNix package
Libxslxwriter wrapper for Nim
nimlineNix package
Wrapper-less C/C++ interop for Nim
nimlistNix package
View the nim package list in your browser
nimlspNix package
Nim Language Server Protocol - nimlsp implements the Language Server Protocol
nimluaNix package
Glue code generator to bind Nim and Lua together using Nim's powerful macro
nimlyNix package
Lexer Generator and Parser Generator as a library in Nim
nimlz4Nix package
Nim wrapper for the LZ4 library
nimmarcNix package
Marc21 parser for Nimlang
nimmikudanceNix package
nimmmNix package
A terminal file manager written in nim
nimmonocypherNix package
Monocypher wrapper for Nim
nimnaNix package
Nucleic acid folding in Nim
nimnnNix package
Neural Networks from scratch
nimnoiseNix package
A port of libnoise into pure nim, heavily inspired by Libnoise
nimobserverNix package
An implementation of the observer pattern
nimodpiNix package
Oracle odpi-c wrapper
nimojiNix package
🍕🍺 emoji support for Nim 👑 and the world 🌍
nimongoNix package
Pure Nim driver for MongoDB with support of synchronous and asynchronous I/O modes
nimoscNix package
A wrapper around liblo for the Open Sound Control (OSC) protocol
nimothelloNix package
A teminal othello (reversi) in Nim
nimpNix package
A package manager that delegates to package authors
nimp5Nix package
Nim bindings for p5.js
nimpariNix package
Nim wrapper for the PARI library
nimpassNix package
Quickly generate secure passwords and passphrases
nimpbNix package
Protobuf library for Nim