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Showing entries 18701-18800 out of 21714.
tbootNix package
Pre-kernel/VMM module that uses Intel(R) TXT to perform a measured and verified launch of an OS ke…
tboxNix package
Glib-like multi-platform c library
tbumpNix package
Bump software releases
tcatNix package
Table cat
tcbNix package
Alternative password shadowing scheme
Small, fast, and embeddable C compiler and interpreter
Tcl scripting language
tcltcl-8_5Nix package
Tcl scripting language
tcltcl-9_0Nix package
Tcl scripting language
Tcl interface for the FastCGI protocol
Game of 2048 implemented in Tcl
Templatized C++ Command Line Parser Library
tclaptclap_1_4Nix package
Templatized C++ Command Line Parser Library (v1.4)
Curl support in Tcl
Tcl-only library of standard routines for Tcl
Tcl and Tk Interfaces to GraphicsMagick and ImageMagick
OpenSSL / RSA-bsafe Tcl extension
UDP socket support for Tcl
Tcl extension that exposes Tcl's Virtual File System (VFS) subsystem to the script level
TCP/IP Connection cutting on Linux Firewalls and Routers
TCP Wrappers, a network logger, also known as TCPD or LOG_TCP
Fast TCP encryption
Network sniffer
TCP stream extractor
Ping over TCP instead of ICMP, written in Go
High performance TCP and WebSocket load generator and sink
Suite of utilities for editing and replaying network traffic
Traceroute implementation using TCP packets
Libpcap based program for live TCP connection monitoring
tcshNix package
Enhanced version of the Berkeley UNIX C shell (csh)
tdNix package
CLI to manage data on Treasure Data, the Hadoop-based cloud data warehousing
tdbNix package
Trivial database
tdfNix package
Tui-based PDF viewer
TheDraw font parser and console text renderer
tdlNix package
Telegram downloader/tools written in Golang
tdlibNix package
Cross-platform library for building Telegram clients
tdnfNix package
Tiny Dandified Yum
DNS tool that aims to replace dig and nsupdate
XML / DOM / XPath / XSLT / HTML / JSON implementation for Tcl
tdropNix package
Glorified WM-Independent Dropdown Creator
teaNix package
Gitea official CLI client
Very fast implementation of tldr in Rust
Simple tool used to automatically create windows and panes in tmux with YAML files
teamsNix package
Microsoft Teams
Unofficial Microsoft Teams client for Linux
TeamSpeak voice communication server
teamspeak3teamspeak3Nix package
TeamSpeak voice communication tool
teamspeak3teamspeak_clientNix package
TeamSpeak voice communication tool
TeamSpeak voice communication tool (beta version)
Desktop sharing application, providing remote support and online meetings
teapotNix package
Table Editor And Planner, Or: Teapot
Open source VPN Software
Find and characterise transposable element insertions
A modern Tetris clone with many features
Authorative and Recursive DNS server for Privacy and Security
Library for Authorative and Recursive DNS server for Privacy and Security
teclagnome-teclaNix package
Keyboard layout viewer
teclateclaNix package
Command-line editing library
Brick breaker game with a sophisticated system of weapons and bonuses
tecocNix package
Clone of the good old TECO editor
Modernized, complete, self-contained TeX/LaTeX engine, powered by XeTeX and TeXLive
Tectonic TeX/LaTeX engine, wrapped with a compatible biber
tedNix package
An easy rich text processor
teeheeNix package
Modal terminal hex editor
CMake macros for building teensy projects
Firmware uploader for the Teensy microcontroller boards
Udev rules for the Teensy microcontrollers
Simple shooting game with your cannon is sitting atop a teeter totter
teeworldsteeworldsNix package
Retro multiplayer shooter game
teeworldsteeworlds-serverNix package
Retro multiplayer shooter game
Japanese handwriting model for the Zinnia engine
tegolaNix package
Mapbox Vector Tile server
teipNix package
Tool to bypass a partial range of standard input to any command
Provides a CLI for interacting with Tekton - tkn
Flat and colorful personality icon theme
Flat colorful Design icon theme
Plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting metrics
Telegram Bot API server
Telegram Desktop messaging app
Telegram Desktop messaging app
Write and decode Morse
GObject-based C library that uses Telepathy GLib, Farstream and GStreamer to handle the media stre…
Jabber/XMPP connection manager for the Telepathy framework
Telepathy connection manager based on libpurple
IRC connection manager for the Telepathy framework
Logger service for Telepathy framework
Account manager and channel dispatcher for the Telepathy framework
teleportteleportNix package
Certificate authority and access plane for SSH, Kubernetes, web applications, and databases
teleportteleport_15Nix package
Certificate authority and access plane for SSH, Kubernetes, web applications, and databases
teleportteleport_16Nix package
Certificate authority and access plane for SSH, Kubernetes, web applications, and databases
Local development against a remote Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster
telerNix package
Real-time HTTP Intrusion Detection
Telescope is a w3m-like browser for Gemini
Viewer for German-language public broadcasting live streams and archives
Television is a blazingly fast general purpose fuzzy finder
Tools to find secrets from various signatures
tellerNix package
Cloud native secrets management for developers