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Showing entries 16501-16600 out of 21303.
Research platform for new language concepts and compiler technologies for Scala
A general purpose programming language
scalascala_2_10Nix package
A general purpose programming language
scalascala_2_11Nix package
A general purpose programming language
scalascala_2_12Nix package
A general purpose programming language
scalascala_3Nix package
Research platform for new language concepts and compiler technologies for Scala
Command-line tool to interact with the Scala language
An alternative implementation of the Scala distribution's runners
Update your Scala dependencies interactively
Refactoring and linting tool for Scala
Opinionated code formatter for Scala
Library of high-performance linear algebra routines for parallel distributed memory machines
ScaleFT provides Zero Trust software which you can use to secure your internal servers and service…
Interact with Scaleway API from the command line
Command line client for the Scalingo PaaS
Scalable Linear Programming Library
Recover files based on their headers, footers and internal data structures, based on Foremost
A command-line tool that communicates directly with the Scalr API
Scanner button daemon
Memory scanner for finding and poking addresses in executing processes
Interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages (vigri's fork)
scantailor-advancedscantailor-advancedNix package
Interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages (vigri's fork)
Interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages
Electrical power consumption metrology agent
Hollow Knight mod installer and manager
Assembler and linker for the Z80
A very fast accurate code counter with complexity calculations and COCOMO estimates written in pur…
Ccache with Cloud Storage
Scd2html generates HTML from scdoc source files
scdlNix package
Download Music from Souncloud
scdocNix package
A simple man page generator written in C99 for POSIX systems
A visual, drag'n'drop, layout tool for designing JavaFX application user interfaces
JavaFx application to visualize and modify the scenegraph of running JavaFx applications
SVGinOT color font builder
scfgNix package
Simple configuration file format (scfg) parser
Query or alter a process' scheduling policy under Linux
schedulesNix package
A Nim scheduler library that lets you kick off jobs at regular intervals
A font designed in a similar style to traditional Naskh typefaces
A font designed in a similar style to traditional Naskh typefaces
Utilities to manage schema in .schema and .ldif format
Database schema discovery and comprehension tool
Document your database simply and easily
Structured access to bytevector contents
Unix manual pages for R6RS and R7RS
Scheme 48 interpreter for R5RS
Edit GtkSourceView style-schemes for an application or platform
Music tracker application, free reimplementation of Impulse Tracker
Schleuder is an encrypting mailing list manager with remailing-capabilities
A command line tool to create and manage schleuder-lists
An implementation of the Dirac video codec in ANSI C
scidNix package
Chess database with play and training functionality
scid-vs-pcNix package
Chess database with play and training functionality
scienceNix package
Tall and condensed bitmap font for geeks
Scientific software package for numerical computations (Matlab lookalike)
Information gathering tool for DNS, ports and more
Scientific and numerical computing benchmark (ANSI C version)
scinimNix package
The core types and functions of the SciNim ecosystem
scionNix package
A future Internet architecture utilizing path-aware networking
SCIP Code Intelligence Protocol CLI
SCIntilla based Text Editor
scitokens-cppscitoken-cppNix package
A C++ implementation of the SciTokens library with a C library interface
scitokens-cppscitokens-cppNix package
A C++ implementation of the SciTokens library with a C library interface
Simple terminal user interface for Signal
PCSC drivers for linux, for the SCM SCR3310 v2.0 card and others
Add numbered shortcuts to common git commands
scnimNix package
Develop SuperCollider UGens in Nim
An improved, cross-platform substitute for Make
An improved, cross-platform substitute for Make
An improved, cross-platform substitute for Make
A migration path to C++ library extensions scope_exit, scope_fail, scope_success, unique_resource
scorched3dNix package
3D Clone of the classic Scorched Earth
Security health metrics for Open Source
scorperNix package
Micro and elegant web framework
Graph and mesh/hypergraph partitioning, graph clustering, and sparse matrix ordering
An SVG Optimizer / Cleaner
scoutNix package
Lightweight URL fuzzer and spider: Discover a web server's undisclosed files, directories and VHOS…
scowlNix package
Spell checker oriented word lists
scponlyNix package
A shell that only permits scp and sftp-server
scramNix package
Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (SCRAM)
scraperscraperNix package
Scraping tools
scraperscraperNix package
A tool to query HTML files with CSS selectors
scrcpyNix package
Display and control Android devices over USB or TCP/IP
Audio receiver for the Scream virtual network sound card
screenNix package
A window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal
Displays a short text fullscreen in an X11 window
Fetches system/theme information in terminal for Linux desktop screenshots
A screencast tool to display your keys inspired by Screenflick
Tools for managing digital signs and screens at scale
A simple screen testing tool
Desktop Publishing (DTP) and Layout program
A cozy nest for your scripts
Shell script prometheus exporter
A set of JavaScript libraries to enhance the user interface of web sites
Run bash, Python, and JS snippets from your Markdown files directly from the command-line
A language-agnostic "shebang interpreter" that enables you to write scripts in compiled languages
Command-line tool for helping developers maintain useful changelogs
scrollsNix package
A strategy collectible card game
A command-line screen capture utility
Data recovery program for NTFS file systems