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Showing entries 8001-8100 out of 22233.
Language server implementation for htmx
htopNix package
Interactive process viewer
Interactive process viewer for Linux, with vim-style keybindings
Utility to fetch time and set the system clock over HTTP
htslibNix package
C library for reading/writing high-throughput sequencing data
httmNix package
Interactive, file-level Time Machine-like tool for ZFS/btrfs
Simple getter for HTTP URLs using cURL
HTTP message parser written in C
Interactive command-line HTTP client featuring autocomplete and syntax highlighting
Simple zero-configuration command-line http server
Tool for tunneling TCP connections via HTTP GET requests
YouTube traffic proxy for video playback and images
FUSE filesystem for HTTP directory listings
Parse and display HTTP traffic from network device or pcap file
Httperf HTTP load generator
FUSE-based HTTP filesystem for Linux
Command line HTTP client whose goal is to make CLI human-friendly
Cross-platform API testing client for humans
Ping with HTTP requests
Interactive WebServer
C++ header-only HTTP/HTTPS server and client library
httplzNix package
Basic http server for hosting a folder fast and simply
Command line, offline, access to HTTP status code, common header, and port references
Take a list of domains and probe for working HTTP and HTTPS servers
DNS to DNS over HTTPS (DoH) proxy
Curl statistics made simple
HTTP(S) debugging, development & testing tool
Backend for HTTP Toolkit
Creates a bidirectional virtual data connection tunnelled in HTTP requests
httpxNix package
Fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit
Easy-to-use offline browser / website mirroring utility
Easy-to-use offline browser / website mirroring utility - QT frontend
Command-line wrapper for git that makes you better at GitHub
hubbleNix package
Network, Service & Security Observability for Kubernetes using eBPF
FUSE-based filesystem to access hubic cloud storage
Variable font from GitHub
Time tracking software
Command line interface for controlling Philips Hue system's lights and bridge
Windows and Linux driver in Python for the NZXT Hue+
hueadmNix package
Command line management interface to Philips Hue
Anti-vandalism tool for use on MediaWiki-based projects
Toolkit for stitching photographs and assembling panoramas, together with an easy to use graphical…
hugoNix package
Fast and modern static website engine
hugs98Nix package
Haskell interpreter
Automatic formatter for HuJSON / JSON With Comments and trailing Commas (JWCC)
Terminal-based podcast manager built in Rust
Human friendly output for text interfaces using Python
Humanity icons from Ubuntu
Debugger for Hubris
CLI for managing and sending data to Humio
huniqNix package
Command line utility to remove duplicates from the given input
Spell checker
huntNix package
Simplified Find command made with Rust
hurlNix package
Command line tool that performs HTTP requests defined in a simple plain text format
Mute your microphone while typing
huskyNix package
Git hooks made easy 🐶 woof!
hutNix package
CLI tool for Sourcehut /
hvmNix package
Massively parallel, optimal functional runtime in Rust
Probe for hardware, check operability and find drivers
hwatchNix package
Modern alternative to the watch command
hwdataNix package
Hardware Database, including Monitors, pci.ids, usb.ids, and video cards
Bitcoin Hardware Wallet Interface
hwinfoNix package
Hardware detection tool from openSUSE
hwlocNix package
Portable abstraction of hierarchical architectures for high-performance computing
Collection of small tools over the years by j.eng
LISP dialect embedded in Python
Reverb effect using hybrid impulse convolution
hydradefaultNix package
Build of Hydra on x86_64-linux
hydrahydraNix package
Build of Hydra on x86_64-linux
hydrahydraNix package
Nix-based continuous build system
hydrahydra_unstableNix package
Nix-based continuous build system
Check hydra for the build status of a package
Client for the Hydra CI
GNOME utility for setting different wallpapers on individual monitors
Advanced drum machine
Lightweight matrix client with legacy and mobile browser support
Lightweight matrix client with legacy and mobile browser support
Third-party, open-source ProtonMail bridge
hyenaNix package
C# library which contains a hodge-podge of random stuff
hyenaeNix package
Neofetch with pride flags <3
Enterprise-class system for sending and receiving facsimiles
Import Hyperlynx Boardsim files to openEMS, an open source 3D full-wave electromagnetic field solv…
hyperNix package
Terminal built on web technologies
HyperCmd Utils
A 1-1 end-to-end encrypted internet pipe powered by Hyperswarm
Command-line benchmarking tool
Highly optimized open source ambient lighting implementation based on modern digital video and aud…
Opensource Bias or Ambient Lighting implementation
High-performance, secure, permissioned blockchain network
Very fast link checker for CI
YAML based HTTP script processing engine
Roguelike game set in hyperbolic geometry
High-performance multiple regex matching library
Modern stencil typeface inspired by stained glass technique
Spawn shells anywhere
Hyperspeedcube is a 3D and 4D Rubik's cube simulator
Run SSH over hyperswarm