Showing entries 801-900 out of 22568.
Wayland-native, highly customizable runner
Tiny emulator for AnyTone radios
P2P note-taking tool
Advent of code command line tool
Get your Advent of Code data with a single import statement
Interface to all AMD AOCL libraries to access CPU features
Modern desktop client for Navidrome/Subsonic servers
Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
Q&A platform software for teams at any scales
Extensible and embeddable directory server
Eclipse-based LDAP browser and directory client
Apache Druid: a high performance real-time analytics database
OSGi gateway
Flex SDK for Adobe Flash / ActionScript
Apache HTTPD, the world's most popular web server
RDF database
SPARQL server
High-throughput distributed messaging system
High-throughput distributed messaging system
High-throughput distributed messaging system
Distributed realtime computation system
Implementation of the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies
Implementation of the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies
Implementation of the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies
Username Enumeration through Apache UserDir
Tool to scan for Apache Tomcat server vulnerabilities
Software for biomolecular electrostatics and solvation calculations
Unified temperature fetcher interface to several UPS network adapters
Daemon for controlling APC UPSes
Provides a Prometheus exporter for the apcupsd Network Information Server (NIS)
Parser for Attempto Controlled English (ACE)
Parser for Attempto Controlled English (ACE) with a large lexicon (~100,000 entries)
L402 (Lightning HTTP 402) Reverse Proxy
PDF Evolution Library
Ultra-fast theory predictions for collider observables
FUSE driver for APFS (Apple File System)
Experimental APFS tools for linux
About Tools for Rockchip image unpack tool
Tools for random password generation
Another PostgreSQL diff tool
Program launcher for window managers, written in Rust
Linter for APIs defined in protocol buffers
Open source ecosystem for open FPGA boards
Apio udev rules list
Tools to trace OpenGL, OpenGL ES, Direct3D, and DirectDraw APIs
Alpine Package Keeper
Powerful android apk resources editor
Command-line tool for downloading APK files from various sources
Upstream packaging automation tool
Android Application Identifier
Scanning APK file for URIs, endpoints and secrets
Build OCI images using APK directly without Dockerfile
Copy/extract/patch android apk signatures & compare APKs
Command line tool to sign and verify Android APKs
Tool for reverse engineering Android apk files
APL385 Unicode font evolved
Ground station software for autonomous vehicles
Simple program that converts APNG files to animated GIF format
Create an APNG from multiple PNG files
Create highly optimized Animated PNG files from PNG/TGA images
Optimizes APNG animations
Distraction free Markdown editor for GNU/Linux
Total conversion for Marathon Infinity running on the Aleph One engine
App That Opens Apps
Add directory bookmarks, distant listing, and distant editing to the command line
Mandatory access control system - binary user-land utilities
Mandatory access control system - kernel patches
Mandatory access control system - PAM service
Mandatory access control system - rule parser
Mandatory access control system - profiles
Mandatory access control system - user-land utilities
Uninstall unwanted apps
Minimal Application using the QCSXCAD library
Sandboxed Python execution environment for writing automation apps for Home Assistant
Edit the Pantheon desktop application menu
An open-source alternative to Notion
Appgate SDP (Software Defined Perimeter) desktop client
Tool to package desktop applications as AppImages
Update AppImages using information embedded in the AppImage itself
Update AppImages using information embedded in the AppImage itself
Bindings for appindicator using gobject-introspection
GUI inspector for the appium UI automation tool
Frameworks and libraries required for building packages on Darwin
Frameworks and libraries required for building packages on Darwin
Frameworks and libraries required for building packages on Darwin
Frameworks and libraries required for building packages on Darwin
Frameworks and libraries required for building packages on Darwin
Frameworks and libraries required for building packages on Darwin
Opensource macOS Cursors
APPLgrid project provides a fast and flexible way to reproduce the results of full NLO calculation…
KDE Plasma6 widget with window controls
Push Notifications that work with just about every platform
Approximate Model Counter
CLI for sakura AppRun
Software metadata handling library