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Showing entries 201-300 out of 22568.
steampipePackagesNix package-set
supercolliderPluginsNix package-set
sway-contribNix package-set
sweethome3dNix package-set
swiftPackagesNix package-set
tclPackagesNix package-set
terraform-providersNix package-set
texlivePackagesNix package-set
tflint-pluginsNix package-set
tmuxPluginsNix package-set
tree-sitter-grammarsNix package-set
ue4demosNix package-set
uefitoolPackagesNix package-set
unixODBCDriversNix package-set
unixtoolsNix package-set
valeStylesNix package-set
vdrPluginsNix package-set
vimPluginsNix package-set
vscode-extensionsNix package-set
wayfirePluginsNix package-set
webosNix package-set
weechatScriptsNix package-set
wine64PackagesNix package-set
winePackagesNix package-set
wineWow64PackagesNix package-set
wineWowPackagesNix package-set
xfceNix package-set
xorgNix package-set
zabbixNix package-set
zabbix50Nix package-set
zabbix64Nix package-set
zabbix70Nix package-set
zeroadPackagesNix package-set
zncModulesNix package-set
Text and hex editor
0adNix package
Free, open-source game of ancient warfare
Free, open-source game of ancient warfare -- data files
ASCII-ART bloody 2D action deathmatch-like game
Colorful, configurable xxd
Proportional version of the 0xProto font
Free and Open-source font for programming
Utilities for analyzing application performance
1fpsNix package
Encrypted Screen Sharing
1oomNix package
Master of Orion (1993) game engine recreation; a more updated fork
1password_1password-guiNix package
Multi-platform password manager
1password_1password-gui-betaNix package
Multi-platform password manager
1password-cli_1passwordNix package
1Password command-line tool
1password-cli_1password-cliNix package
1Password command-line tool
2048-cli-unstable_2048-cliNix package
Game 2048 for your Linux terminal
2048-cli-unstable_2048-cli-cursesNix package
Game 2048 for your Linux terminal
Animated console version of the 2048 game
20klyNix package
Steampunk-themed strategy game where you have to manage a steam supply network
Fast floating WM written over the XCB library and derived from mcwm
2faNix package
Two-factor authentication on the command line
A PC port of Majora's Mask with modern controls, widescreen, high-resolution, and more
Monospaced font based on IBM 3270 terminals
Enterprise-class Open Source LDAP server for Linux
3dpongNix package
One or two player 3d sports game based on Pong from Atari
3lloNix package
Trello interactive CLI on terminal
3muxNix package
Terminal multiplexer inspired by i3
3proxyNix package
Tiny free proxy server
4D Minesweeper game written in Godot
4thNix package
Portable Forth compiler
4ti2Nix package
Software package for algebraic, geometric and combinatorial problems on linear spaces
Suite of browser-based tools for players and DMs of D&D 5e
64gramNix package
Unofficial Telegram Desktop providing Windows 64bit build and extra features
Tunnelling for application that don't speak IPv6
7kaaNix package
GPL release of the Seven Kingdoms with multiplayer (available only on x86 platforms)
Extract hashcat hashes from password-protected .7z archives (and .sfx files)
7zz_7zzNix package
Command line archiver utility
7zz_7zz-rarNix package
Command line archiver utility
Open-source small 8086 emulator
Emulator of x86-based machines based on PCem
86Box_86Box-with-romsNix package
Emulator of x86-based machines based on PCem
Silly speed painting game
Tool to modify Intel 800/900 video BIOS
9base is a port of various original Plan 9 tools for Unix, based on plan9port
Simple X11 menu program for running commands
9pfsNix package
FUSE-based client of the 9P network filesystem protocol
9ptlsNix package
Mount.9ptls mount helper
Lint your commit messages
Discord puppeting bridge for matrix
Toolbox for WebAssembly
WebAssembly REPL
Strips custom sections
Emit documentation/code for your WASM binary Edit
Short puzzle-platformer game made with Godot, running on GLES 2.0
Daemon for exposing legacy ALSA sequencer applications in JACK MIDI system
a2psNix package
Anything to PostScript converter and pretty-printer
a4a4Nix package
Dynamic terminal window manager
a4a4termNix package
Dynamic terminal window manager
a52decNix package
ATSC A/52 stream decoder
aaaNix package
Terminal viewer for 3a format
aaaaxyNix package
Nonlinear 2D puzzle platformer taking place in impossible spaces
ReplayGain for AAC files
Automatically activate Python virtualenvs (and other environments)
aalibNix package
ASCII art graphics library
Free and open source automatic photo adjusting software